Extreme amount of dog fouling!
Reported via mobile in the Dog Fouling category anonymously at 18:57, Wednesday 15 January 2025
Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6986070.
The main path on the front street of Seghill, where the planters are is covered in dog poo. I have 11 pictures which I took on my phone to upload and it would only allow for 3. It’s absolutely disgusting! The amount of school Children that walk along this path every morning (my sons included) who could and have stood in it before, then treck it through their school, onto a carpet they then have to sit on! I also have a pushchair, it’s become near impossible to dodge it. So bad so, we have started walking on the opposite side. Several parents from the school have also complained about the same area and problem. It has also been put on local fb pages. The amount is ridiculous. Right in the middle of paths! It’s disgusting and something needs done! Cameras or something need to be installed! Or signs, anything but it’s out of control. I’d be happy to further the several other photos I have for proof!!! It needs sorted!
Thank You for your report. We will review this report at our earliest opportunity.
Posted by Northumberland County Council at 18:57, Wednesday 15 January 2025
We are currently investigating this matter. Further response will be given once actions are agreed.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Northumberland County Council at 08:38, Tuesday 21 January 2025
We are currently investigating this matter. Further response will be given once actions are agreed.
Posted by Northumberland County Council at 08:38, Tuesday 21 January 2025
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