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Further report on lighting and road

Reported via mobile in the Multiple Lamp/Bulb Failure category anonymously at 17:42, Fri 20 December 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6886772.

Following your email today, I went to Persimmon on the Huxley Grange estate tonight and they showed me their boundary map. The road Percy Drive is not theirs and lighting is very poor and as I said yesterday the islands on the road are not lit, it is very dangerous at night and the street lights are rubbish. Can this be looked into again

Asset ID: 739AJ

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  • Thank you for contacting us again. The lighting, beacons and signage is the responsibility of Persimmon Homes currently as part of their S278 works for the development. The plan they have shown you has the boundary for their S38 works, but they have made changes to the public highway that they are responsible for. They are temporarily using solar lighting which is why the lights are not good. I will pass this information to our Highways Development Management team who can be contacted at

    State changed to: not the council's responsibility

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 08:40, Mon 23 December 2024

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