Tree shedding branches into public highway and onto public foot path. causing damage to private property. Far too tall for the position it occupies and needs pollarding
Reported via desktop in the Trees blocking TV/phone signal or light category anonymously at 12:38, Fri 6 December 2024
Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6827423.
Moderated by Northumberland County Council at 11:50, Mon 9 December 2024
The last picture attached is that of a County Council Tree Officer trimming a structurally sound, tree in Hexham. An expensive part of town. Does this person work for the council or know a Councillor personally? Why is an expensive part of town given preferential treatment? The photograph clearly shows no urgent attention needed. No risk to the footpath or highway or property.
The tree opposite our house has been an ongoing problem for years. It is constantly shedding big branches, especially in high winds and storm conditions. One has hit our front fence and smashed the wood which had to be taken to the council tip as too big for house bin. It is also a constant source of anxiety for our son who has Autism. It is blocking the light to our living room and to his bedroom at the front of the house. We have had many conversations over the years and eventually it was agreed back in 2022 the tree would be trimmed back by at least 5 metres. This was completed October 2022. The Tree Officer on site together with our local Councillor, agreed that the tree planted by should not have been planted anywhere near houses or the road because of how big it would grow. It was agreed that you would attend each year and trim the tree back. Nobody turned up last year (2023) so trimming is long over due. as you can see from the pictures, it is way too big for its position. we really need this tree to be trimmed right back to a realistic height for its location. sick of having to remove huge amounts of leaves and branches from front garden and branches landing in back garden possible for them to damage our solar panels. This has been going on since died as he always ensured it was trimmed.
The report's reference number is 6634456. Please quote this if you need to contact the council about this report.
Thank You for you report.
Your report has been forwarded to the appropriate department. Please note, we are only able to inspect trees that are dead, damaged, diseased or causing a physical obstruction as a priority. All general tree maintenance work requests that are causing no risk of harm to people or property will be dealt with as resources allow.
For more information follow Highways/ Report-a-tree-issue.aspx
We are unable to provide a time frame for inspections and works relating to low priority requests. Please visit our web page for further information.
Posted by Northumberland County Council at 12:38, Fri 6 December 2024
Branches are continuing to fall on to the public road next to the tree, which is a risk to passing vehicles and pedestrians that use the pathway. Also risk of branches falling on to the football field which has many locals and visitors using the green space, especially lots of dog walkers. There continues to be a risk to public health and safety.
Posted anonymously at 11:21, Saturday 4 January 2025
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