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Multiple street light failure near Maidstone gardens

Reported via mobile in the Multiple Lamp/Bulb Failure category anonymously at 09:27, Saturday 30 November 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6802611.

The area is very dimly lit and night and I am reluctant to walk around that area with my dogs as you cannot see at all .peoples property are in darkness and this will encourage people to break in as they won't be see I have reported this problem months ago and it still hasn't been fixed.

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  • Thank you for contacting Northumberland County Council. The street lighting in this area is not adopted and you will need to contact the housing developer in relation to this fault. Telephone numbers which may help are: Miller Homes 0800 954 8434 Bellway 0191 482 8800 Persimmon 0191 2389950 Storey Homes 0191 226 7260 Cussins Homes 01665 808109 Ascent Homes 01670 528403 Gentoo Homes 0191 5255000

    This report has now been closed.

    State changed to: not the council's responsibility

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 10:39 today

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