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Tons of sand on th south side of promenade,,,dangerous and heavy , since the weekend high tide and strong wind , i seen 2 people actually fall in it today

Reported via desktop in the Road Sweeping category anonymously at 21:58, Mon 12 February 2024

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5568844.

Bad weather at the thurs /fri/and sat...high tide and strong wind brought tons of sand onto the south end of Newbiggin promenade, ,, this is unusually dangerously deep ,,,can we get the the little tractor scraper back down and shove the sand back onto the beach .....i think this needs to be done asap ,,, the steps are dangerous with all this sand on it

Ive moved a bit with the shovel .,, but i cant do no more ,,theres too much

Mike and jean

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Northumberland County Council at 16:38, Thu 15 February 2024

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