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Footpath obstructed

Reported via desktop in the Obstruction (Not Vegetation) category anonymously at 14:41, Tue 19 December 2023

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5337842.

Contractors laying block paving at 25 Dalton Ave have left 2 dumpy bags of grit on the footpath, these have been there for approx 6 weeks. The job was finished a couple of weeks ago. The footpath is not passable for a wheelchair user or a pram. They also left the path and the road covered in mud and gravel.

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  • Thank you for your report. We will review this report within 10 working days. If you do have photographs please upload them to the report. This will assist us in our response.

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 14:41, Tue 19 December 2023

  • Northumberland County Council Update-
    We have investigated the issue reported and found that it is on private land. However,
    we do have powers under Section 154 (1) of the Highways Act 1980, to advise the
    owner/occupier of adjoining land they are required to cut back vegetation so as to
    remove the cause or likelihood of danger, obstruction or interference to the users of the
    Highway (footpath). In most cases the vegetation is cut back very quickly by the owner/
    occupier, but in some instances this can be a lengthier process but be assured we will
    follow due process to ensure the work is carried out.
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 11:44, Wed 3 January 2024

  • The response from your officer seems to refer to vegetation obstructing the footpath. My concern was two large 'dumpy bags' of grit or gravel which have been left on the pavement since October or early November. These were left by contractors laying block paving at 25 Dalton Avenue.

    Posted anonymously at 16:20, Tue 16 January 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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