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Lack of 20mph signage

Reported via desktop in the Damaged / Missing / Facing Wrong Way category anonymously at 15:05, Sat 25 November 2023

Sent to Northumberland County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5252234.

This is designated 20mph right down to the cul de sac adjoining the A695 but signage ends at the first part of Baliol Road. Unacceptable speed of vehicles Potential danger to children and elderly needs urgent attention Signage needs to continue right down the entire length of Baliol Road This is the third time I have raised this issue.

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  • Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.

    The existing repeater signs within the estate are located at the prescribed intervals.

    I have however added the request for additional 20mph repeater signs to our Directory of Requests database so that they can be considered for inclusion in a future Local Transport Plan (LTP) Programme. Priorities for the LTP Programme are reviewed on an annual basis and the Requests database is the starting point for the review. The prioritisation process for the LTP Programme involves consultation with the local County Councillors and Town/Parish Councils. Issues are scored against LTP criteria and the highest ‘scoring’ issues are recommended for inclusion in the programme. The final draft programme is consulted on at the Council’s Area Committees in the first quarter of each year and the committee papers are publicly available.

    Just to note. The speed data for Baliol Road, which is supplied to use by Agilysis, shows that the average speeds are currently only 15.03mph.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Northumberland County Council at 09:25, Mon 27 November 2023

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